Thursday, December 29, 2011

New banner!

Hi readers,

Today we are doing some general housekeeping with this page and can proudly introduce our new banner.

That's right, the pale blue blank text that you knew and loved is now history and is being replaced by these trendy designs. We've gone for the basic grey but there was a choice of grey blue and red as seen below:

This is just a rough design thrown together by my brother that we are very grateful for. It's small incremental improvements like this that will slowly make this blog, our show and everything we're doing look better and be more enjoyable. It's like making a small deposit in a savings account every time we upload a radio podcast, do a blog entry or make some other kind of progress with the medium and the show that we love.

In that spirit tonight I will devote some time to examine how we can improve the aesthetic quality of this blog, we all know people only like to look at pretty things.

Hope you like the banner. Tomorrow will feature another post telling of another one of our choice radio favourites and professional podcasters.


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