Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Christmas Gift From The Lock In

Hi blog followers,

We thought, seeing as it's christmas eve that we'd gift you with another podcast from the radio show you love to love.

It can get quite boring sometimes at christmas time, sure there's the manic rush of presents and food and everything else, but there's also a distinct lull in the evening when you've opened or eaten everything and there's nothing left to do but enjoy each others company. So this year, if you're feeling a little bit overfed and bored, gather the whole family round the fireplace and listen to the latest podcast from the lock in.

It'll be just like being back in time when families would gather round the wireless, except now it comes with the modern twist of the internet and some added dynamism from the contemporary comic duo.

Think of it as an alternative to the queens speech:

Speak to you soon readeners have a good christmas

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