Sunday, August 28, 2011

Welcome Lock In Fans

Hi everyone,

This is the very first post of our new blog for the lock in. Things in lock in land started moving at an incredible speed, and we wanted to start cataloguing the process of the show before we got too far ahead of ourselves.

For anyone happening upon this blog not familiar with the show, it is a student radio show broadcast live and online on Two Lancaster students - Tom Dransfield and Ryan McCann, talk, laugh and joke through the night (for at least 5 hours) at midnight on thursdays. It has best been described as "the hilarious conversations of two affable idiots". Condensed 40 minute podcasts of each show are available here:

We've already seen the first series come and go this year before we broke up for our summer hiatus. We briefly hung up the show with great sadness to do our own thing for the summer. Over that time we promised the listeners a weekly or bi-weekly podcast update from our back catalogue of shows. Unfortunately, due to some heinous oversight, we forgot that we were both incredibly lazy and neglected to stay true to this promise. This tragic podcast void looked set to continue until we were offered the chance to air a podcast each week for the digital channel Since then, we have had a new drive and obligation to keep up to date with the weekly podcast. At the moment they are still airing the original 3 podcasts that we completed in June, but as of the 12th of September we will all be treated to a brand new podcast of our now ancient 4th show.

That's essentially most of the current updates from us at the moment. Keep vigilant, we've got some pretty big things planned